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Bath ball water filters are designed to filter the water in your bathtub. They are effective at removing chlorine, lead, and other contaminants, and prevent scale build-up, rust stains, and other issues in your tub.
It is not easy to choose the best bath ball water filters as there are many features that you must consider before buying them. For example, how much water do you use in your bathtub? What is the capacity of the filter? How often do you clean your bathtub? Do you want an automatic filter? What kind of filter do you need? How do you intend to clean it?
If you are looking for a bath ball water filter that you can buy online, it is necessary to take a close look at the product reviews, specifications, and user reviews of each bath ball water filter. In this article, I have reviewed the best bath ball water filters that are safe for your bathtub and can remove harmful elements from the water that you use in your bath.
If you need water filters for showers, we have that covered too.
Best Bath Ball Water Filters: At A Glance:
- CuZn Bath Ball Faucet Filter
- Organic Cotton Bath Faucet Filter by Santevia
- Sprite Showers BB-TB Ball Bath Filter
- Crystal Quest White Bath Ball Filter
- Rainshowr Bath Ball 3000

Why Use a Bath Ball Water Filter?
It’s a fact of life in the city, but it can be especially tough on your hair and scalp. The minerals in hard water—calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and sulfates—can strip away moisture from your strands, leaving them dry and brittle. And if that wasn’t enough to make your locks feel rough, they may also cause a buildup of limescale, which can lead to an unpleasant odor.
To help keep your hair and skin healthy, we recommend using a bath ball water filter. These are designed to remove up to 99% of calcium, magnesium, iron, and other harmful elements from your shower water before you use it for drinking or cooking. They work by passing water through a layer of activated carbon granules, which absorb the bad stuff while letting the good stuff pass right through.
1 – CuZn Bath Ball Faucet Filter
The CuZn bath ball is a great addition to any bathroom. It helps to remove the chlorine taste from tap water and provide a cleaner, clearer bath.
The filter is easy to use and is made of plastic. Simply fill it with tap water and turn it on. After about 10 minutes, you should see the water start to clear. The filter lasts for a year and is easy to replace. The CuZn bath ball is also backed by a 5-year warranty.
It’s recommended that you get a good flow rate faucet to use with this filter. It is not meant to be used with a spray head. If you do use a spray head, you might find that the water will flow too quickly for the filter to work effectively.
The filter is a bit expensive but it does help to improve the quality of your water. I’d recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality bath filter.
2 – Organic Cotton Bath Faucet Filter by Santevia
I was pleasantly surprised by how good the organic cotton filter actually was. It wasn’t just some marketing gimmick. It did effectively remove chlorine from the water. It really does seem to help with the health of my daughter’s skin. It has a nice, soothing scent.
However, I was disappointed with how hard it was to rinse out. I tried rinsing it in the sink with soap, but it didn’t really work that well. I ended up having to use the shower to rinse it out.
I really like the fact that it is removable, though. I could easily clean the filter under the sink, and when I was done with the tub, I would just take it off and hang it up in the shower to rinse it out. That worked out pretty well.
Overall, I’d say it’s a good filter. It does a good job at removing chlorine, and it seems to be effective at keeping my little girl’s skin healthier. I do wish there were some kind of easier way to rinse it out, though.
3 – Sprite Showers BB-TB Ball Bath Filter
This is one of the best shower filters available today. Not only does it remove chlorine and dirt from your water, but it does so at a rate that is unmatched by any other product on the market today.
Its cartridge is replaceable, which is a feature that is rarely found in other filters on the market. The cartridge is also very easy to remove and replace, which makes it quick and easy to maintain.
This is a great option for anyone who wants to get the most out of their shower and spa experience.
4 – Crystal Quest White Bath Ball Filter
When I first saw this product, I was skeptical about how well it would actually work. But when I used it, I was impressed by how effective it is. I had the chance to try it out during a recent trip to China, and I couldn’t believe how clean my hotel room felt. It makes me wonder how much cleaner hotels and public bathrooms would be if they used this kind of filtration.
I can’t remember the last time I washed my face in the shower, because I always felt like I was washing away the grime from the day. Now, when I step into the shower, I’m like, “What a beautiful day! I’ll just wash my face and enjoy the fresh air.”
I can’t recommend this product enough, and I’m so glad I got the chance to try it out. If you’re interested, you can find it here.
5 – The Rainshow’r Crystal Bath Ball Water Filter/Dechlorinator
For a bath ball water filter that works as a de-chlorinator, plus reduces chloramines, try the Rainshow’r Crystal Bath Ball water filter.
It works for approximately 200 baths and contains virgin crystalline quartz, which also claims to ‘energize’ the water. In addition, the bath ball softens the water, making it easier to lather with soap or shampoo.
To use the bath ball you simply need to swirl the ball in the water for between 5 to 8 minutes, or as per the manufacturer’s instructions. The key benefits of the bath ball are:
- Removes 90% or more of total chlorine
- Reduces chloramines
- Easy to use
- Works for approximately 200 baths
- Uses replaceable media pouches
- Improves lathering with Crystalline quartz.
Bath Ball Water Filters – Bottom Line
In conclusion, bath ball water filters are perfect for homes where water quality is of concern. They remove chlorine and other contaminants from tap water without having to change the filter cartridge very often.
This means that you won’t have to worry about replacing the cartridges too frequently, which saves you time and money.
The fact that these filters are easy to use and install means that they’re ideal for homeowners who aren’t particularly tech savvy. So whether you want to save your hair and skin from harmful chemicals a bath ball water filter is definitely worth considering.