is a blog where we share our thoughts on different types of water filters.

We spend thousands of hours researching, testing, and writing about all things related to home water filtration systems. We hope you find this site helpful in your search for “the best” water filter for your needs.

Please note that this site is just a resource for education and information only. It’s not intended to diagnose or treat any health conditions. If you have specific questions, please seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Here are some pages to help you get started:

What Is In Tap Water?
10 Amazing Benefits of A Water Filter
How To Choose A Water Filter In 5 Easy Steps

Meet The Authors

Joanna G. Lackey

Hi, this is Joanna. I am an independent journalist and writer who has been working with the water filter industry for over 10 years now. My mission is to help people find the best water filters for their homes.

More about me…

Wanda T. Harris

Hi, this is Wanda, admin, and writer of this blog. In this blog, I want to share the problems with our water and the most common mistakes people make when choosing a new water filter system in their homes.

More about me…

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*IMPORTANT: Make sure to do your own due diligence before deciding to buy anything, whether this blog recommends it or not. Do not purchase anything you feel you can not afford or is not good for you.