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Water has always fascinated us. We love to drink it, cook with it, bathe in it, and even make our babies drink it.
But do you know how much salt is in your drinking water? Or how much fluoride is in your tap water? Do you know how much chlorine is in your pool? How about how much arsenic is in your well water?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should read this article. In this article, I’ll explain to you how to test the PH level of your water without buying expensive testing kits.

What is Ph?
pH stands for potential hydrogen. It measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is. Water has a neutral pH of seven. Anything below six is considered acidic; anything above eight is considered alkaline.
A pH meter is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of substances. You can buy a simple pH meter online for less than $20. There are also kits available that include a digital display and battery power supply. These kits are ideal for testing small amounts of liquid.
To test the pH of water, pour a small amount of water onto a glass slide. Place the slide under a microscope and view the water through the eyepiece. Look for bubbles forming on the surface of the water. Bubbles indicate that the water is acidic. If there are no bubbles, the water is probably alkaline.
What Ph is Safe for Drinking Water?
There are two types of pH tests: total alkalinity and free acidity. Total alkalinity measures how much calcium carbonate or bicarbonate is present in the water. Free acidity measures how acidic the water is. Both tests are used to determine whether the water is suitable for human consumption.
EPA regulations recommend that municipal drinking water supplies maintain a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. Anything lower than 6.5 is unsafe for humans to drink. Anything above 8.5 is unsafe for animals to consume.
Why Should You Test the Ph Level of Water?
Water pH level is important for keeping our bodies healthy. But how do you know whether or not your water is safe to drink?
There are two main reasons why you should test the pH level of your tap water. First, you may want to know if the pH level of your drinking water is within the optimal range.
Second, you may want to find out if any contaminants are present in your water. Testing the pH level of your local water supply is a great way to monitor the health of your ecosystem.
What Ph Level is Harmful to Humans?
pH is a measure of acidity or basicity. Anything below 7 is acidic, and anything above 7 is basic. Most household items fall within the range of 6 to 8. However, certain substances can cause harm to human health if they are ingested.
For example, if you drink tap water that has a pH level of less than 5, you may experience stomach upset. But if you ingest a substance that has a pH level greater than 10, you may suffer from severe burns.
How to Test the Ph of Water without a Kit
There are some ways to test the pH of water without a kit.
How to Test the Ph of Water without a Kit Using a Red Cabbage
This is a great way to test the pH of water without buying any kits. All you need is red cabbage and a bit of patience.
First, grate or cut the red cabbage into small pieces. Place it in a glass bowl. Pour boiling water over it and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Strain the liquid that is already purple. Add a little amount of the purple liquid to a new container. Add a drop of the indicator solution to the purple liquid. Wait for the color to change. Match the color you get against the pH color chart.
Alternatively, you can try it with other vegetables and fruits. Try using plums, red onions, blueberries, apple skin, and turmeric or rose petals.
Additionally, you can make the testing strips from a cabbage juice test. Using filter paper, acid-free art paper, or cotton swabs. Make sure you soak it until it is thoroughly wet before cutting it into strips. Smear a sample of the water onto the testing strip. Then compare the color of the strip to the pH color chart.
Water Ph Test By Blue Berries
This method works great if you want to know the pH of your drinking water. You can easily find out whether your water is acidic or alkaline using blueberries.
Simply chop up the berries and add them to your water. Let it boil for about fifteen minutes, then strain the water and place it in a suitable plastic bottle or glass jar. The water should turn purple-red, similar to that of strawberry pulp.
Water Ph Test By Red Onion
You can easily test the pH of the water using red onions. All you need is a glass of water and a red onion. Simply cut off the root end of the onion and place it in a glass of water. Leave it for 15 minutes or until the color changes. Then, simply measure the pH level of the water using a pH meter.
To find out why the red onion turns red when exposed to acidity, let’s examine its chemical makeup. Anthocyanin pigments are responsible for color change.
These compounds are found in plants and give fruits and vegetables their characteristic colors. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent cell damage.
Water Ph Test By Soap Scum
Soap scum is a great way to test the pH of water without using a pH testing kit. You simply rub a bit of soap onto the surface of the water and then test the soap with a pH test strip.
This method works well for testing the pH of water in locations where you don’t have access to a pH testing kit. And since soap scum doesn’t dissolve or wash away easily, you won’t have any problems cleaning it off later.
Use your gloves to smear the soap around, making a paste. Then dip a pH test strip into the paste and hold it under running tap water until the color changes. If the strip turns blue, the water is alkaline; if it turns pink, the water is acidic.
Ph Test By Litmus Paper
Litmus paper is used to determine the pH level of water. It’s a quick and simple method to measure the acidity or alkalinity of water using litmus paper.
To test the pH level of water, you will need to purchase both types of litmus paper, blue and red. Each type of litmus paper indicates the acidity or alkalinity of water in a particular medium.
In order to test the pH level of your water, simply dip the litmus paper into the water and wait until the color changes. Blue litmus paper turns red if the water is acidic, whereas red litmus paper turns blue if the water is alkaline.
Using a Digital Ph Tester
A pH meter is one of those devices that will save you tons of time and effort. You won’t have to spend hours trying to figure out how to test the pH of your water using a pH kit. Instead, you can simply buy a pH meter and start measuring it right away.
There are two types of pH meters: analog and digital. An analog pH meter uses a glass electrode to measure the pH level of your water. On the other hand, a digital pH meter uses a probe to measure the pH level. Both types of pH meters work well, but if you prefer a digital pH meter, then you should definitely consider buying one.
To test the pH levels of your water, simply dip the probe into the water and wait for the results. Once you’ve tested the pH level of your tap water, you can compare it to the recommended range for drinking water.
Why is Water Ph Testing Necessary?
Water pH testing is important because it helps maintain water quality and healthy ecosystems, especially in places where fresh or saltwater bodies meet. Optimal pH levels are an important part of keeping our waterways clean and healthy.
What Level of Ph Values is Suitable for Drinking Water?
There are two levels of pH values that are recommended for drinking water. One is between 6.5 and 8.5, and the other is between 5.0 and 9.0. These ranges are based on how well your water tastes. You should aim to maintain a pH value within these ranges to ensure that your water tastes great.
What Household Items Can Be Used to Test Water Ph at Home?
There are lots of household items that you can use to test the pH level of water at home. You can use distilled water, window cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, lemon juice, milk, lime juice, orange juice, etc.
You need to learn how to test the PH level of water without using a pH testing kit. This is an essential skill when you live in a tropical climate where the water has a high chance of being acidic.
There are lots of foods that you can use instead of a kit to measure pH levels. And there are lots of benefits to testing pH levels yourself rather than relying on someone else to tell you what the pH level of your water is.