Which Bottled Water Is Reverse Osmosis?

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Reverse osmosis is the most popular filtration system used in home drinking water systems. However, it has its drawbacks. For example, it removes minerals such as calcium and magnesium, leaving you with mineral-deficient water.

While reverse osmosis is the gold standard for filtering tap water, it doesn’t always work well for bottled water. In fact, some bottled waters are filtered using reverse osmosis technology.

In this article, I’ll tell you which bottled waters are reverse osmosis filtered and which ones aren’t. This will save you money and ensure you get the purest water possible.

Which Bottled Water Is Reverse Osmosis

Brands Of Water That Use Reverse Osmosis

There are many brands of water that use reverse osmotic processes to purify their water, but these are some of the best-known ones. These brands offer consumers a variety of options, including bottled water, tap water, and even powdered versions of their products.

Dasani Water – Available Everywhere

Dasani water uses reverse osmosis technology to produce superior-tasting water that is pure, clean, and delightful. With reverse osmotic filtration, Dasanis removes impurities before adding a unique blend of minerals to enhance the water. It also offers you lemony and strawberry-flavored water.

Perfect Hydration

Perfect hydration water is filtered by reverse osmosis and microfiltration and enhanced with electrolytes, ionized, micro-structured, and made oxygen-rich. This product is both Safe and Healthy for Consumption.

Essentia Water – Best Taste

In Essentia water, water is purified by reverse osmosis and microfiltration. Then, alkaline electrolytes are added to increase the taste and complement the body‘s natural mix. It’s then ionized to increase the pH to 9.5, ideal for bottled water, and made oxygen-rich to keep it fresh longer.

Penta Ultra-Purified Water

Sourced from natural sources, Penta Ultra Pure Water is purified by a 13-step process to remove any impurities. There are no special chemicals used to alter the pH or flavor of the water. Making it extra safe.

Core Hydration

Ultra-purified and enhanced by electrolytes and minerals, core hydration has a balanced pH specially designed for an active lifestyle, with special features like the cup cap for sharing and the bottles made from previously recycled plastic.

Arrowhead Fluoridated Water

Arrowhead fluoridated water is sourced from natural aquifers and takes a 15-step purification process to rid itself of any impurities. No special chemicals are used to alter the PH or taste of water. It is also free of artificial additives, preservatives, and colorings.

Aquafina Water

Aquafina water is a bottling company owned by PepsiCo. It produces a wide range of bottled water products, including bottled water, still water, sparkling water, and juice drinks. Their bottled water is produced by reverse osmosis, UV light treatment, and ozone treatment.

Is bottled water the same as RO water?

Bottled waters aren’t the same as reverse osmosis (RO) waters, but they share some similarities. Both types of water come from natural sources, but bottled water is filtered differently.

RO filters remove suspended and dissolved solids from the water, whereas bottled water is filtered using carbon filtration. Carbon filtration uses activated charcoal to remove impurities from the water.

Both types of water are safe to drink, but bottled water is generally safer since it doesn’t pass through pipes and plumbing systems.

However, bottled water may still carry contaminants if it comes from a contaminated source. You should always buy bottled water from reputable brands.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Reverse Osmosis (RO) Bottled Water

Bottled reverse osmosis (RO) filtered tap waters have many benefits. First off, it makes your water safer to drink because it removes 99% of the harmful chemicals and bacteria that are present in regular tap water. Second, it increases the flavor of your water, which means you don’t have to add any extra flavoring to it.

Third, it reduces the risk of getting sick from contaminated water. Fourth, it helps keep your body hydrated, which is especially helpful during hot summer days. Finally, it keeps your body clean and healthy.

However, there are some disadvantages to using reverse osmosis bottled water. One disadvantage is that it removes many essential minerals from your water, including iron, magnesium, and calcium. However, most water bottlers will add those minerals back into the water after it goes through the reverse osmosis system.

Another disadvantage is that it changes the pH level of your water. Most water bottles contain carbonated water, which lowers the pH level of your tap water. Because reverse osmosis removes the carbon dioxide from your water, the pH level drops down to a lower range. You should still drink plenty of water, though, since low pH levels can cause health problems.


Why Do Water Brands Choose Reverse Osmosis in the First Place?

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is an excellent option for treating drinking water because it removes most contaminants from tap water. It also reduces hardness and improves taste.

Can RO bottled water be used in Fish Tanks?

Reverse osmosis filters are highly efficient and good choices for aquariums, but the filtered tap waters need to be remineralized before adding them to the tanks. They’re excellent at filtering out contaminants, including minerals, chlorination, and some larger organisms.


Reverse osmosis (RO) is an effective way to purify tap water. It removes impurities such as chlorine, fluoride, lead, mercury, arsenic, bacteria, viruses, pesticides, and heavy metals. RO systems remove 99% of contaminants from tap water. This means that you can drink water without worrying about getting sick.

However, not all bottled waters are made using RO technology. Some bottled waters are filtered by carbon filtration, while others are treated with ion exchange resins. So when choosing between bottled water brands, look for those that say “reverse osmosis purified” on the label.

Joanna G. Lackey

Hi, I'm Joanna, a writer freelance writer who specializes in topics about health and nutrition. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband and three children. I'm a mom to two dogs and a cat. I love reading, writing, and taking photos.