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Lead poisoning is a serious problem in developing countries where children drink contaminated water. In fact, lead poisoning has become such a big issue that the World Health Organization has declared it a global health emergency.
It is a major health concern because it causes brain damage, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and even death. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to remove lead from drinking tap water.
In this article, I will explain how dangerous lead is and how to remove lead from drinking water naturally. This will prevent children from becoming poisoned and save you money as well.

Lead in Drinking Water
There are two main types of lead in drinking water: dissolved lead and particulate lead. The dissolved lead comes from the corrosion or aging of old pipes, plumbing fixtures, and solder joints. The particulate lead comes from dust particles that settle onto the inside surfaces of pipes and plumbing fixtures.
Lead in drinking water can cause health problems, including learning disabilities in children.
To reduce the risk of lead poisoning, you should regularly test your tap water for lead. You can buy a lead testing kit online or at your local hardware store. Follow the directions carefully. Test your water every six months. If you find high levels of lead, replace your pipes, fixtures, and appliances.
How Does Lead Get into Drinking Water?
Lead enters your drinking water through pipes made of brass or chrome-plated brass. These types of pipes are used in older homes and buildings. Lead pipes were commonly used until 1986 when the EPA banned the sale of lead pipes.
But if you still have lead pipes in your home, there’s no reason to panic. You can easily test your water for lead using a simple kit available online.
Lead can also enter your drinking water when old plumbing fixtures corrode. Old faucets and fixtures may contain lead solder.
Lead solder was once common in household plumbing, but it’s now illegal to sell products containing lead solder. However, lead solder is still found in older plumbing fixtures.
Is Lead in Drinking Water Dangerous?
Lead is extremely dangerous if ingested or inhaled. But it’s also dangerous if absorbed through the skin. It is extremely toxic to humans. Even small amounts of lead can be detrimental to your health.
Children are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning because their developing bodies absorb 4-5x more of the metal than an adult. And their brains and nervous system are more susceptible to the metals’ damaging effects.
While adults can tolerate higher levels of lead intake than children, they are still affected by it. Pregnant women are even more at risk because lead exposure during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects. And the symptoms of lead poisoning may not show up until dangerous levels have accumulated.
What are the Side Effects of Lead in Drinking Water?
There are several health risks associated with lead poisoning. One of the biggest concerns is that children exposed to high levels of lead may suffer permanent neurological damage.
Other symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, confusion, irritability, loss of appetite, weight loss, muscle weakness, hearing problems, learning disabilities, and behavioral changes.
Children are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning because their brains and nervous systems are still developing. Exposure to lead during childhood can cause irreversible harm to the brain. Even low levels of lead can affect a child’s cognitive development.
How to Remove Lead from Water Naturally
There are some methods available to remove lead from water naturally.
Water Distillation
One of the easiest methods is to purchase a water distiller. These devices remove lead from contaminated water and return it to its original state.
A water distiller works by converting water into steam. Steam is lighter than water, so it rises to the surface where it condenses back into the water.
Since lead does not evaporate, it stays behind in the water. As soon as the water cools down, it becomes clean again.
Reverse Osmosis
Lead poisoning is a serious problem in our country. Many children are exposed to lead through contaminated water. Fortunately, reverse osmosis is a quick and inexpensive method of removing lead from drinking water.
Reverse osmoses are used to filter out contaminants from water. You simply hook up a hose to the faucet and let the water run through the system. Then you collect the purified water in a separate container.
Distillation is a slower process and requires a lot more energy than reverse osmosis. But distillation does work well for purifying water.
Activated Carbon Filtration
One of the easiest ways to remove lead from drinking is to install a carbon filter. Carbon blocks are porous materials that adsorb contaminants. Activated carbon blocks are particularly effective at removing lead from water.
To remove lead from drinking water, simply place a carbon block filter in your faucet or sink. You should replace the filter after 6 months to avoid clogging.
KDF Filtration
There are natural remedies that can help reduce the risk of lead poisoning. One of those remedies is using KDF media to filter drinking water.
KDF media removes up to 98% of positively charged ions of lead, mercury, chromium, copper, nickel, and other dissolved metals from drinking water. When filtered through KDM media, the soluble lead cation is reduced to an insoluble lead atom, which is electroplated onto the surfaces of the media.
This process makes it easier for your body to eliminate lead from your system. You can find KDF media at any health food store or online retailer.
What are the Most Trusted Filter Brands for Lead Removal?
There are several trusted brands of filters for removing lead from drinking water. These include Filtrete Maximum (which removes 99% of lead), Brita (99%), and FrizzLife (98%).
Does the Pur Filter Remove Lead?
PUR’s faucets are certified to reduce over seventy contaminants, including 99% of lead, 96% of mercury, and 92% of certain pesticides. In addition, PUR’s faucet filtrations are tested and verified to meet NSF/ANSI Standard 51 for potable water.
Does Boiling Water Remove Lead?
Boiling water won’t reduce the amount of lead in your water. But it does change the chemical structure of the lead, making it less harmful.
Lead poisoning is an incredibly dangerous problem that affects millions of people every year. It’s especially harmful to young children who often consume large amounts of contaminated water.
Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that can help you rid your home of lead contamination. In fact, using these methods can actually save you money since you won’t need to pay for expensive professional services.