How Often to Change the Water Pitcher Filter?

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Water pitchers are a staple in any kitchen. They’re inexpensive, easy to clean and provide a constant supply of fresh drinking water. However, most water pitchers come with filters that only last a few months before needing replacement.

Most water pitchers come with filters made of plastic. Plastic filters aren’t very effective because they clog easily and quickly. This means that after just a few months, you’ll need to replace your water pitcher filter.

In this article, I’ll explain how often to change the water pitcher filter and why should you change the water pitcher filter.

how often to change water pitcher filter

Why Should You Change Water Pitcher Filter?

Changing your water pitcher filter every six months or so is important for two reasons. First, it helps keep your water clean and safe. Second, it keeps your water pitcher fresh and free of germs.

Your water pitcher filter is probably getting clogged up with dirt and bacteria. And since it’s right next to where you drink your water, it’s actually pretty gross. But changing your water pitcher filter regularly is a great idea anyway.

A dirty filter makes your water taste bad and can cause health problems. Plus, it’s hard to enjoy drinking water when it tastes nasty. Changing your water pitcher filter regularly ensures that you’re getting the freshest-tasting water possible.

What Happens If You Don’t Change Water Pitcher Filter

Not changing your water pitcher filter when it’s time means that your water pitcher filter will stop working at its optimal capacity.

Eventually, it may stop doing its job altogether, meaning that your water treatment system won’t be able to treat your water properly.

That’s why it’s important to keep track of how long your water pitcher filter lasts before replacing it.

Can You Get Sick from Using an Old Water Pitcher Filter?

Your old water filter may be adding bacteria to your drinking water. And that can cause health problems if you keep using it.

A recent German study found that the number of bacteria in tap water was lower than in filtered water after one month of use at two different temperature settings.

So if you’re still using your old water filter, consider changing it now before you start getting sick.

How Often Should I Change My Water Pitcher Filter?

Your water pitcher filter needs to be changed every 40 gallons, or about two months. You might be interested in changing your water filters if you have hard water.

Harder water causes minerals to build up in your filter, which makes it necessary to clean your pitcher filter more frequently.

Hard water is caused by high levels of calcium and magnesium in your tap water. These minerals cause mineral deposits to form inside your water pitcher. Over time, these deposits can clog your water pitcher filter, causing sediment buildup.

To prevent sediment buildup, you should change your water pitcher filter every 40 gallons, or approximately every two months. You can find replacement filters at any hardware store.

How Long Does a Pitcher Filter Last?

A pitcher filter lasts anywhere between 1 month and 4 months. After that point, you should replace the filter. You can tell how long a pitcher filter lasts based on how frequently you refill the pitcher.

For example, if you only fill the pitcher once every 2 days, then you probably won’t need to replace the filter until the end of the month. If you use the pitcher twice per day for drinking water, then you may need to change the filter sooner than expected.

Do Water Pitchers Need to Be Washed?

Washing your water pitcher regularly helps keep it clean and germ-free. You can wash your water pitcher using any kind of soap or detergent. Just remember to rinse well before storing it away.

Clean your water pitcher once a week to help prevent the spread of diseases. Wash your water pitcher in a sink that is used for washing hands and/or preparing food. Don’t wash your water pitcher in a kitchen sink where chemicals are disposed of.


Do Water Pitcher Filters Remove Bacteria?

A water filter pitcher will remove most of the harmful contaminants from water but won’t remove bacterial contamination.

Is It Safe to Drink Water from a Filter Pitcher?

Good-quality filtering pitchers are safe to use., however, an inexpensive one might not be as reliable. It’s important to choose a quality filtration system in order to minimize your risk of consuming harmful chemicals in your tap drink.

How Do I Know When It’s Time to Change My Pitcher Filter?

If you see slow water flow out of your pitcher, it may be because the filter has become clogged. You can check the filter life by looking at the color of the liquid coming out of your pitcher. If the liquid appears clear, then there’s no problem; if it looks cloudy or murky, then it means that the filter needs replacing.

How Often Should I Change Brita’s Pitcher Filter?

You should replace your Brita Stream filter at least once every two months. If you have hard water (water containing high levels of calcium), you might want to replace your filter more frequently than once every two months.

What is the Black Stuff in My Pitcher?

The particles in your pitchers are excess granulated activated carbon (GAC) pieces that have slipped through the filters. They’re harmless to drink and don’t affect the performance of your pitchers’ filters.

How Do You Clean a Pitcher Filter?

Soak your pitcher in warm soapy or vinegary liquid for at least 15 minutes to several hours. Then rinse it thoroughly with warm soapy or vinegared liquid and allow it to dry naturally.


The water pitcher filter is an essential part of keeping your home clean and fresh. It filters out harmful bacteria and chemicals that build up in your pipes. However, it’s important to change the filter regularly because it can clog up quickly.

So, how often should you replace the filter? Well, it depends on what kind of filter you have. Some filters need to be changed every month while others can last longer. Check your manual to determine when you should change your filter.

Joanna G. Lackey

Hi, I'm Joanna, a writer freelance writer who specializes in topics about health and nutrition. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband and three children. I'm a mom to two dogs and a cat. I love reading, writing, and taking photos.